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Big damper for Netflix series ‘The Witcher’

Season two of The Witcher is coming, but not as soon as we’d like.

A few days ago there was still good and bad news for the cast and crew of The Witcher and now there is another big downer.

After the on-location recording was stopped due to new corona measures in the UK, the studio recordings can now also not continue. And this is also due to corona.

There are several corona cases among the cast & crew and that causes even more delay. Previously, the recordings had been stopped for months and now the cameras are also off at Arborfield Studios in West London.

When to continue?

It is not clear when the recordings can continue. A lot of corona tests will have to be done first to rule out other cases. Netflix recently started promoting the second season. A video hinted at new monsters in the second season.

Also read: Monsters from Season 2 of ‘The Witcher’ officially revealed
Also read: Good and bad news for Netflix series ‘The Witcher’

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