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Big Brother Vip 2021, report cards 15th episode / Aldo Montano and Delia Duran asphalt Alex Belli

Report cards fifteenth episode of Big Brother Vip: tensions between Aldo Montano and Alex Belli

It ended the live broadcast of the fifteenth episode of the Big Brother Vip 2021, the contestants in nomination are Gianmaria Antinolfi, Soleil Sorge, Jo Squillo and Nicola Pisu. What just ended was one turbulent episode for Alex Belli who had a very turbulent evening starting from the discussion with Gianmaria Antinolfi, his kiss cinematic with Soleil Rises until you get to the very heated discussion with Aldo Montano which inflamed not only the spirits of the two competitors involved, but also of all the other tenants of the house. It gave some movement to this fifteenth installment of the Big Brother Vip (Grade 7). Soleil Rises, as per character, he provoked all the other tenants, even during the nominations (Rating 6.5). Aldo Montano had a complicated evening due to the words of Alex Belli to which he responded with class and elegance (Rating 7.5).

Katia Ricciarelli with his moment of confrontation with Iva Zanicchi on their relations with Alberto Sordi they gave the whole audience of the Big Brother Vip 2021 an unforgettable moment (Grade 7). Giucas Casella this evening he failed in his attempt to hypnotize Alfonso Signorini, but on the other hand he hypnotized a large part of the studio audience and the competitors of the house (Grade 7). A touching moment for Francesca Cipriani who, for a moment, puts his smile aside and talks about his bad experience with bullying (Rating 6.5). Another touching moment of the evening was the meeting between Sophie codegoni it’s his father Stefano, the two have always had a troubled relationship and the competitor’s Big Brother Vip she never managed to make her father understand, before tonight, how important he was to her (Grade 7).

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Davide Silvestri tonight at Big Brother Vip 2021 took the defenses of Aldo Montano agreeing with Alfonso Signorini on the tone used by Alex Belli to express his opinion on the competitor. Davide, when asked, said: “He exaggerated in tone“(Grade 7). A muted episode for Manuel Bortuzzo who speaks only if asked and for the rest is silent (Grade 6), tranquility also for the three princesses who listen to the discussions between the competitors with interest and speak only during the nominations to mention Soleil’s name (Grade 6.5).

A quiet bet also for Miriana Trevisan e Nicola Pisu, for their couple vote: 7. Very quiet bet also for Manila Nazzaro who let himself go to a declaration on Patrizia Mirigliani and his foray into Big Brother Vip 2021 in the confessional during the nomination, we will see in the coming days if Alfonso wants to investigate or not (Rating 6.5)


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