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Biden Administration Faces Criticism and Hypocrisy Claims over Authorization to Transfer Billions in Bombs and Fighter Jets to Israel

New Biden Administration Authorization Draws Criticism over Israel Weapons Transfer


A new authorization from the Biden administration allowing the transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to Israel has faced intense criticism. Lawmakers are questioning the decision, considering the expressed concern about civilian deaths in Gaza and the urgent need for humanitarian access in the region. This move has sparked accusations of hypocrisy as U.S. officials simultaneously advocate for peace in the region.


Israel’s ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip has received increased attention recently. The transfer of more than 1,800 2,000-pound bombs to Israel has caused concern among experts, who believe these bombs have contributed to the soaring death toll during previous campaigns.

Criticism from Lawmakers

Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Jeff Merkley are among the lawmakers who have expressed strong criticism of the administration’s decision. Sen. Sanders called the move “obscene,” highlighting the inconsistency in the U.S. pleading for an end to civilian bombings in Gaza while providing more destructive weapons. Sen. Merkley added that the administration cannot advocate for increased humanitarian access while supplying weapons that are indiscriminately killing innocent Palestinians.

Administration’s Stance

A White House official defended the decision, stating that the U.S. continues to support Israel’s right to self-defense. However, conditioning aid as a means to address humanitarian concerns has not been part of the administration’s policy thus far.

Escalating Tensions and Concerns

As tensions between the United States and Israel rise due to Israel’s plans for a military offensive in the city of Rafah, concerns regarding the escalating conflict in the region continue to mount.

Recent Developments

Israel’s strikes in Syria, targeting Syrian soldiers and members of the Hezbollah militant group, represent an intensification of its campaign against Iranian-backed forces operating outside its borders.

Additional Measures and Appeals

Humanitarian groups, including the Palestine Red Crescent Society, are calling on Israel to take further actions to prevent civilian casualties. Amnesty International emphasized the failure to comply with previous legally binding measures to protect civilian lives in Gaza, as ordered by the International Court of Justice.

Israel’s Coalition Crisis

Israel’s Supreme Court has ordered the suspension of state subsidies for ultra-Orthodox Jews studying in yeshivas instead of fulfilling military service. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces an ongoing coalition crisis as a result.

Latest Figures

  • The Palestine Red Crescent Society reported that 26 of its members have been killed since the beginning of the war in Gaza, with 15 victims being aid workers targeted while wearing the organization’s emblem.
  • According to the Gaza Health Ministry, the overall Gaza casualties since the conflict began are approximately 32,623 deaths and 75,092 injuries, including both civilians and combatants.
  • Israel estimates that 254 of its soldiers have been killed since the start of its military operation in Gaza.

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