Home » today » Business » BGK limits the weakening of the zloty. Sells the euro on the foreign exchange market

BGK limits the weakening of the zloty. Sells the euro on the foreign exchange market

As the interviewees pointed out, BGK tries to limit the weakening of the zloty by selling euros. BGK declined to comment on the matter.

“Of course, BGK has been regularly visible since the beginning of the war. They switched to the conversion of EU funds on the market and from time to time they appeared in small quantities” – said the first interviewee to PAP Biznes.

“In the last few days they are evidently present regularly. Or every day – I don’t have such statistics, but you can see them. They clearly show that I am on guard. For a long time they have been trying to limit the rate to around 4.86 / EUR. But rather not so much, what they are trying to build a dam for traffic “- he added.

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