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Beware of cyber crime! Hiscox blog

Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday are getting closer: Many online shops and retail stores are now advertising special offers to get the pre-Christmas shopping mood already in November. Unfortunately, this is the perfect opportunity for cyber criminals to rip off unsuspecting buyers. You should therefore be particularly vigilant – whether you are making purchases for yourself or for your company! Here you will find information, tips and an explanatory video on how not to fall into the trap of cyber criminals:

What does Black Friday stand for? And what is Cyber ​​Monday?

This year the Black Friday on November 27, 2020, Cyber ​​Monday is November 30th. The tradition of Black Friday comes from the USA: Thanksgiving takes place on the fourth Thursday in November, and the following Friday – a bridging day – is the start of a family weekend and Start of the Christmas shopping season. Many retailers in the US run specials on Black Friday. As a pendent, the online shops in the USA proclaim Cyber ​​Monday as a discount day.

Also in Germany has been around for a few years Discount campaigns from online shops and retailers: Apple was the first company in Germany to advertise in 2006 with a one-day shopping event and discounts on Black Friday. There are now countless special offers from retailers in Germany for both discount days – and buyers are happy about the bargains:

The downsides of Black Friday & Cyber ​​Monday: Cyber ​​crime

More and more customers in Germany are looking for bargains on Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday. The Trade Association Germany (HDE) expects sales of 3.7 billion euros on the occasion of the discount campaigns. This corresponds to an increase of 18 percent compared to the previous year. More than a third of online shoppers plan to take advantage of Black Friday offers; One in five would like to strike on Cyber ​​Monday.

Unfortunately this is the one perfect opportunity for cyber criminalsto cheat unsuspecting buyers. 2019 were loud IT-Daily See increased phishing activity targeting popular online shopping sites ahead of Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday; as well as phishing attacks on mobile phones, skimming on websites, scam sites with gift cards and banking Trojans.

Our tip: Whether for purchases for you privately or for your company – be vigilant and think about the dangers of cyber crime:

Black Friday Shopping: Be on the safe side when hunting for bargains

Stay on the safe side and don’t let cyber criminals fool you. How you can recognize phishing emails, for example, you can see in our video:

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