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Beware .. 6 common symptoms indicate serious health problems

8:00 AM

Saturday 30 January 2021

I wrote – Shaima Morsi

Often times our bodies send many signals to tell us that something is wrong, and there are also a group of common symptoms that indicate serious problems, which we mention to you in the following lines, according to the “readersdigest” site.

1- Persistent headache:

Everyone gets a headache now and then, and if it is so severe that you miss work or social gatherings, or if pain relievers don’t help you get rid of it, see your doctor.

If you have an uncommon type of headache that lasts for three days or more and is associated with vomiting or visual changes, this could indicate an abnormality in or near the brain, such as a blood clot.

If you have a headache that is persistent on only one side of your head, near the temple or above the ear, it may be a condition called temporal arteritis, and it can be treated with corticosteroids or steroids, but if left untreated, it can lead to blindness.

2- Chest pain:

Colds and respiratory infections often lead to costochondritis adjacent to the ribs, which may cause chest pain, and chest pain can also indicate something else, which is a heart attack.

3- Abdominal Pain:

We all suffer from time to time from abdominal pain and its causes are many. Pain that occurs before meals and relieved by eating can indicate an ulcer.

And if the pain occurs while eating, it could mean gastritis or a problem with your gallbladder or pancreas.

More serious causes of abdominal pain may include problems with the blood vessels that supply the intestine or in the aorta (the artery that distributes oxygen-containing blood from the heart to other parts of the body).

Abdominal pain can also indicate gallstones, intestinal obstruction, infection or cancer, so it is best to consult a doctor to check for pain.

4- Bruising and Bleeding:

If you bump into something and bruise, it generally turns blue over a day or two and then slowly fades to yellow over another four or five days.This is normal and nothing to worry about.

But many of us get mysterious bruises from time to time without bumping into anything, as this could indicate a blood clotting disorder.

And if you injure yourself while brushing your teeth too hard, you will start to bleed, so apply an antiseptic to the wound. However, if you notice any vaginal bleeding after menopause, any blood in the urine, or any blood when vomiting or coughing, make an appointment with your doctor to find out. The reason, it might be a minor problem, or it could be dangerous.

6- Problems with breathing:

If you suffer from a cold, a sinus problem or an allergy that causes nasal congestion, you may find it difficult to breathe, and the common cold will generally disappear on its own within a week, and you will return to normal in a short time, but if the sinus problem or allergy continues to bother you This may indicate a problem, so contact your doctor for an appointment.

Certainly, people who do not care about their physical fitness find strenuous activity more difficult than those who exercise regularly, so difficulty breathing when making an effort can be a sign that it is time to start exercising, and also, if you feel short of breath while lying down. This may indicate heart failure.

6- sadness:

If you feel sad or irritable most of the day for at least two weeks and are less interested in activities that used to give you happiness, it is time to seek help from a professional, and you may be suffering from depression, which is a painful problem. The excuse that will not disappear, the difficulty in making decisions, the inability to focus, the feeling that the future looks bleak.

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