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Benefits of Temulawak for the Stomach and How to Process it for Ulcer Medicine, Neutralizing Toxins and Pain

SURYAMALANG.COM, MALANG – Following benefits of ginger for the stomach one of which is treatment when you have an ulcer.

Apart from being stomach reliever, Ginger It also has a number of other benefits such as neutralizing toxins and relieving pain.

Temulawak is a pseudo-trunked plant with exotic reddish-white flowers.

This plant with the Latin name Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb has a relatively large rhizome with bright yellow slices.

Citing a book entitled Benefits & Benefits of Temulawak: Rhizome Healing Various Diseases by Efi Afifah, Temulawak contains curcumin, essential oils, starch, cellulose, and minerals that provide benefits for the health of the body.

One of the benefits of ginger as an herbal plant is as an ulcer medicine.

TEMULAWAK ILLUSTRATION – An easy way to make processed Temulawak herbal medicine (SURYAMALANG.COM/Canva.com)

Temulawak contains cellulose which also helps the digestive process.

Not only that, Ginger also contains flavanoids and curcumin which play a role in capturing free radicals and protecting the gastric mucosa (wall).

Here are the ingredients and how to make ginger herbal medicine for ulcer medicine, quoted from Kontan.co’Acid stomach often recurrent? This herbal remedy for stomach acid is easy to make‘.

– Material

Ginger 30 grams
Kencur 30 grams
Galangal 30 grams
Fennel 1 teaspoon
Cardamom 4 grains
Water 600 cc
Palm sugar to taste

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