Home » today » Health » Be careful if you suffer from these 4 diseases, you can secretly know from the annoying bad breath

Be careful if you suffer from these 4 diseases, you can secretly know from the annoying bad breath

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Bad breath can be caused by many things.

Most of us scapegoat the food we ate in recent times as cause bad breath.

Even though, bad breath apparently not only triggered by food, you know.

Bad breath, known in medical terms as halitosis, affects nearly 25 percent of people in the world.

If allowed to linger, this can lead to psychological stress.

There are many things that can trigger bad breath but mostly due to oral hygiene.

In serious cases, bad breath can also indicate a disease that requires special treatment.

Reporting from various sources, these are 4 diseases that can trigger their occurrence bad breath:

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