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Battle for Donbass – Budanov said that Russia wants to be in time for Easter

The head of Ukrainian military intelligence, Kirill Budanov, said that the Russians are intensively preparing for the decisive battle that will unfold in the east of the country, trying to be in time for Easter. He added that the invaders will not succeed.

“The Russians are preparing for the decisive battle, they are in a great hurry, because they are very limited in time, they really want to have time to get at least some tactical advantage and real tactical achievements that will be able to show how, to a certain extent, Russia’s victory in this” operation ” They are rushing towards Easter,” the head of military intelligence said.

According to him, the Russians will not succeed, they will not have time, and Ukraine will stand. Budanov added that the invaders may have temporary tactical victories.

“We have many places where some settlements change hands 2-3 times a day. On Palm Sunday, nothing prevents them from committing bloody murders, before Easter they want to have time to complete the huge bloodshed and will continue it further,” he specified.

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