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Barrier gestures: when Christophe Castaner sets the bad example live on television

the essential
New health communication couc for the Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner. During a report in Seine-Maritime on Saturday, he spoke with residents without a mask and without respecting social distancing, in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic.

A perfect example of what not to do. Interior Minister Christophe Castaner was mocked on social networks this Saturday, after a report by BFMTV shot in Normandy. In this live sequence, he is on inspection in the coastal village of Veules-les-Roses (Seine-Maritime), where the beach reopened this weekend.

But the worst part is that the minister absolutely does not comply with any of the basic health rules to prevent contamination by coronavirus. First, he does not wear a mask. And two, he does not respect social distancing with a group of children and an adult to take a souvenir photo.

Beach reopening: Christophe Castaner visiting Seine-Maritime pic.twitter.com/pyFzSbBXl0

– BFMTV (@BFMTV) May 16, 2020

He even crouches down next to a little boy to speak to him, fifty centimeters from his face. “I will not tolerate any shortcoming concerning the application of barrier gestures and the rules of distance,” said the minister, however, with great firmness a little earlier.

It is not the first time since the start of the crisis that Christophe Castaner has been singled out for this kind of bad practice. He had posed without masks alongside a seamstress team in a northern mask factory. About twenty people were in the photo and none wore masks. This new episode sparked many reactions on social networks.

First day of reopening of my beaches and already we are paying a Parisian of the red zone, without mask, beyond 100km, near the kids. pic.twitter.com/A0Hi8hhlHg

– AuPalais (@palais_au) May 16, 2020

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