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Barceloneta Dominates LEN Champions League with Convincing Victory

The current bronze of the LEN Champions League, the Zodiac CN At. Barceloneta has started the competition with a convincing and comfortable victory at home, in its Sant Sebastià pool. Elvis Fatovic’s men have beaten German Spandau Berlin 16-6 and are leaders of their group.

The sailors have begun by showing their intentions. Crushing 4-1 run in its first eight minutes. In the second act, a 3-1 that left a global 7-2 at the halfway point in Barcelona.

Duel practically sentenced and a Spandau that looked overwhelmed in all facets of the game. In fact, the 5-0 score in the third quarter made it a more than definitive 12-2 with only eight minutes left. Bernat Sanahuja, one of the new faces in Fatovic’s team, top scorer with four goals.


RFEN communication. Photo: Image of the match played this afternoon at Sant Sebastià / CNAB

2023-09-28 03:12:15
#Champions #Strong #victory #start #Zodiac #CNAB #Spandau

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