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Barcelona beat Juranovic’s Atlético » todofichajes.com

FC Barcelona’s preferential objective is to sign a right-back in the winter transfer market and one of the players who has arrived in pole position in Barça’s sports management agenda is Josip Juranovic.

The Celtic footballer has signed a Qatar World Cup to be framed with Croatia, which catapulted him in view of the January transfer market. The Catalan club, which knows that Atlético also want to sign him, has taken a step forward to try to get ahead of the rojiblancos and sign the Croatian.

We recall that Celtic tried to renew it without success before the World Cup break, so they speculate the footballer’s farewell at a not too high cost. His market value is 6.5 million euros, but they expect to receive at least 10 kilos with their transfer.

Barcelona would focus on the transfer with the right to buy and could also evaluate the transfer of a youth squad to the Scottish team. Let’s remember that Juranovic has a three-year contract, so even if for a small price it won’t be a gift.

The player has doubts about the rojiblanco project, although in principle he was more attracted to heading to the capital of Spain, where Modric resides. The offer to get their services is hot.

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