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Barbara Kurdej-Satan has other problems. It’s about a book about an actress

  • The case of Barbara Kurdej-Satan, after her controversial entry on the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border, was investigated by the prosecutor’s office
  • Due to the wave of unflattering comments, Kurdej-Satan blocked, among others the ability to comment on her posts on Instagram
  • The book was already in print earlier this month. The actress and author of the publication weigh their options
  • – If the book is published without reference to the scandal, it will be inauthentic and people will laugh at the actress, says the celebrity image specialist
  • More important information can be found on the Onet homepage

The last few months are not the easiest in the life of Barbara Kurdej-Satan. And all because of her post on Instagram, which aroused a wave of outrage on the web. “Machines blindly obeying orders !!!!! Fuck !!!!!! How can you !!!!!!! My heart hurts, my whole chest is shaking and roaring !!!!!!! !!!!! Do you want a government like this still ??? ” – yes in one of the previous entries Barbara Kurdej-Satan identified Border Guard officers.

It didn’t take long for a reaction to happen. The head of TVP, Jacek Kurski, announced the end of cooperation between Polish Television and the actress. Thus, the actress was immediately “unsubscribed” from the next episodes of the popular soap opera “M jak miłość”. Additionally, the prosecutor’s office dealt with the matter of her entry. Despite to make an apology the celebrity still has more problems. This time it’s about her new book.

Barbara Kurde-Szatan has other problems. “She is broken”

The publication was to go on sale before Christmas. The book was to show the story of Barbara Kurdej-Satan and allow her fans to get to know her better. Inside, there will be, among others unique photos from the family archive and many interesting stories and anecdotes related to the celebrity.

Photo: https://kurdejszatan.pl/

Promotion of the book by Barbara Kurdej-Satan

By ordering through a special website, fans could also count on a book with a special autograph by the actress. However, the situation with its publication has become significantly more complicated in recent events. Kurdej-Satan cannot freely promote his project. The actress is still flooded with criticism, which forced her to block the possibility of adding comments on her Instagram profile.

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In an interview with Pudelek, the celebrity image specialist admits that this significantly limits her ability to promote the book, even on social media. Baśka is devastated, she admits. – What he writes is hate – he notices.

Moreover, the book has already been published earlier this month, but the confusion around the actress raised a lot of concern among Kurdej-Satan and the author of the interview, Magdalena Bober, as it is no longer possible to make changes to the print. As Pudelek writes – both ladies are thinking about stopping the publication.

– Baśka and the author of the interview are devastated that it coincided with a scandal. They would like to abstain from this book, add a chapter about this scandal and hate for some time – a person from the close circle of Kurdej-Satan told the portal.

– If the book is published without reference to the scandal, it will be inauthentic and people will laugh at the actress – adds the celebrity image specialist. “And if it’s too late for that, the actress and the author have a problem,” he said.

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