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Barbara D’Urso’s social dig at Alberto Matano

Alberto Matano and Barbara D’Urso have been the protagonists of Italian afternoons for a long time now. Always words of esteem, then, were spent on each other and great sportsmanship has always distinguished the two drivers. It should be noted, however, that some jab between the lines has certainly not been lacking over time and almost always when it comes to the discussion of the ratings.

That said, it should be remembered that in almost all cases the winner’s scepter should be given to the Catanzaro presenter but the increase in ratings that Barbara is receiving day after day offers truly comforting figures, or at least for Mediaset. In a recent story published on Instagram, the beautiful presenter from Campania said: “Thanks for the crazy listening”. Could this be a dig at the good Alberto, then, given the great success that D’Urso is enjoying by the hour?

Obviously, we should ask the interested party, but we are more than sure that she would deny any bitterness with the Calabrian conductor. Indeed, there are no episodes of explicit rivalry but it is obvious that the same pool of viewers is contested by both broadcasts. Good news for the latter, then, is that the beautiful Barbara will remain in Mediaset at least for another year, despite the rumors that they give her at the start.

In fact, he recently declared to “La Stampa”: “I’ll stay at Mediaset again next year. I try to explain it in a nice way. There are people obsessed with me. Obsession can lead to commissioning things to write even if they are not true “. Alberto Matano, then, will have to “fight with D ‘Urso for at least another year and with the pace of growth of the Mediaset program it is not certain that we do not expect a sensational overtaking.

The partnership between Barbara and Mediaset, in fact, is so long that it has really fun anecdotes to tell. Always in the well-known newspaper, in fact, you talk about her “potential” relationship with Silvio Berlusconi. The entrepreneur, in fact, would have repeatedly made advances to the Neapolitan presenter to which, however, he never gave in: He didn’t send me flowers, he was just cute. He made it clear. He was very charming, but he was also the owner. You just couldn’t. Moral rigor, in fact. I have always pretended to make it on my own. A few years ago the Knight told me: ‘Barbara, you know what you have lost, but you still have time’. We laughed about it.

READ ALSO: We all know the famous presenter Barbara D’Urso, but do you know where she lives? La di lei is a dream home. PHOTO – CineMalefica

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