Home » today » Business » Bank Al-Maghrib: Bank credit registers an increase of 5.8% in July

Bank Al-Maghrib: Bank credit registers an increase of 5.8% in July

Bank credit posted year-on-year growth of 5.8% during the month of July, with an increase in loans to the non-financial sector of 6% after 5.2%, according to Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM).

This latest change reflects an increase of 5.8% after 5% of loans to the private sector, with an acceleration to 9.2% after 7.7% of the growth of loans to private non-financial corporations and a stabilization of the rate of increase. loans to households at 2.1%, explains BAM in a note on its key indicators of monetary statistics for July 2020.

Likewise, loans to public non-financial corporations increased by 6% after 2.7%, adds the same source.

By economic object, the evolution of credit to the non-financial sector covers an acceleration in the rate of increase in liquidity facilities from 10.3% to 11.8%, real estate loans from 1.6% to 1, 8% and equipment loans from 3.8% to 4.3%, BAM said, noting that the decline in consumer loans was, on the other hand, accentuated from 1.6% to 1.8 %.

A. Q

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