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Banging Sounds in the Sky of Yogya, TNI Admits There is a Combat Aircraft Exercise

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Voice rumble or the rumbling in the sky in the Special Region of Yogyakarta on Wednesday (9/3) morning came from a fighter plane exercise according to the Indonesian Air Force.

Head of the Indonesian Air Force Information Service (Kadispenau) Marsma TNI Indan Gilang Buldansyah said the boom that the people of Yogya heard was the result of the maneuvers of fighter planes flying around the south of Yogyakarta.

“Today there is indeed an air defense exercise using fighter aircraft in the Yogya area, so that there are residents who hear the roar, it’s true there is the sound of fighter planes, especially in the southern area,” said Indan to CNNIndonesia.com by telephone, Wednesday (9/3) night.

He said the boom that the public heard was the result of sonic boomor the reaction of a fighter plane when traveling at speeds above 1,200 kilometers per hour.

That way, said Indan, sonic boom will produce a reaction in the form of a boom on the ground. The fighter plane is said to have flown over 20,000 feet.

“So the boom was right at the time of the aircraft maneuver that gave rise to his name sonic boom Yes, it sounds like a boom when it’s on the ground. But actually it is over 20,000 feet high,” he said.

When asked what kind of plane, and how many planes made a boom in the Yogyakarta area, Indan declined to comment.

“I don’t think it’s necessary to mention it, just TNI Air Force fighter planes,” he concluded.

Even so, he appealed to the public not to worry about the booming sound, because the sound came from a fighter plane that was practicing.

“Don’t worry, this is the sound of a fighter plane flying high,” he concluded.

He further said that this air security exercise will last until tomorrow, Thursday (10/3). The public is advised to remain calm.

Previously, the booming sound in the sky of the Yogyakarta area made people excited. Dwi Iswahyudi (29), is one of the residents who claimed to hear the rumbling sound. The source is said to be above the sky of his residence, Turi, Sleman, at approximately 10.15 WIB.

According to the information he received, this voice was also heard in the Godean and Minggir sub-districts in Sleman, then Kulon Progo district, and even Magelang district in Central Java.

The official Twitter account for the DIY Communications and Informatics Service @kominfodiy also shared information regarding this event. Mentioning this has nothing to do with the activity of Mount Merapi, which is located on the border of Yogyakarta Province and Central Java.

Head of the Yogyakarta International Airport Meteorological Station (Stamet YIA) Warjono also said that this event had nothing to do with any natural phenomena today.

“We did not detect any natural activity that made a booming sound around Yogyakarta. Both from earthquakes and weather phenomena,” he said via WhatsApp.

Warjono admitted that he did not hear a sound similar to a boom. However, the roar of the fighter planes caught his ear.

“Didn’t hear [dentuman]only when a fighter plane passes by, does it hear,” he said.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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