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Ballet ‘4’: A Contemporary Performance Addressing Climate Change

MuzArts Baldaquin Culture, in cooperation with Art for All, revealed the launch of the world premiere of ballet “4” on the stage of the Zabeel Theater at the Jumeirah Zabeel Saray Hotel on December 5 and 6, 2023.

The show presents a contemporary version of ballet performance mixed with video art to the famous classical tunes of the piece The Four Seasons, one of the icons of the genius Antonio Vivaldi, where the work is accompanied by a stunning video display on a giant screen.

MTV filmed the video clips in advanced 5K resolution in collaboration with The French Kiss Lab, which was nominated for a Grammy Award. The dances bear the signature of designer Eno Bessi, with the participation of four of the world’s most famous dancers: Maria Vinogradova, the Bolshoi Ballet’s solo dancer, and Vienna Ballet stars Mila Schmidt and Gabrieli Aim, in addition to the Bolshoi Ballet’s guest star, Ildar Gainotdinov.

The show coincides with the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), and was designed to embody the climate changes facing the planet. The show is also inspired by its distinctive name to depict interwoven stories of the four eras of the development of civilizations and the four stages of human life, and the successive cycle of the four seasons and their changing scenes at an unprecedented speed due to climate change. The show also deals with man’s distance from nature due to his drive behind his selfish obsessions and his passion for luxury life and consumerism. Which often leads him towards practices that negatively affect all living beings.

The action scenes begin in the spring, capturing with the successive seasons feelings of humanity’s growing confidence in its ability to benefit from nature’s resources. At the end of the journey, a glimmer of hope appears, hiding behind it days full of love and new chapters that reflect the essence of nature in its most beautiful forms.

Commenting on the topic, Elena Fabre-Magnan, one of the producers at MuzArts Baldaquin Culture, said: “Music and dance are one of the most powerful global tools of expression that can be used to discuss important societal issues and propose solutions to them. Through the distinctive presentation of Ballet “4”, we aim to use this influential means of expression to unite society and highlight the challenges resulting from climate change. We therefore invite everyone to join us on this exceptional journey and participate in enhancing levels of unity, art and awareness.”
VIP and VVIP tickets provide unique experiences that include dining with the artists and being behind the scenes.

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