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Bad luck with sex: Berlinale winner comes to the cinema

Even the opening scene is tough. The satire “Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn” won the most important award at the Berlinale this year.

In the film, the Romanian director Radu Jude tells of a teacher who makes amateur porn with her husband. The sex clip ends up on the Internet – and the teacher finally has to explain herself in her school.

So at the beginning you see sex recordings between a woman and a man. Then the teacher roams the city. Sirens wail in the background, at some point a person in a rabbit costume appears. The film is one of the first to casually address the pandemic. People wear face masks again and again. Or visors made of plexiglass.

A wild movie

Director Radu Jude uses these images as a starting point to show a sprawling puzzle of acting scenes, historical recordings and quotations. He builds a panorama of misanthropy. The film is wild and crazy, disturbing and funny. He becomes particularly interesting and clever towards the end, when the teacher has to answer questions at school.

The jury of the Berlinale praised the production as an artfully crafted film, “which is at the same time exuberant, intelligent and childish, geometric and lively, imprecise in the best possible way”.

The film – whose title roughly translates as “Bad luck with the birds or crazy porn” – attacks the audience, provokes opposition and yet does not allow anyone to keep a safe distance. Will it work? After the cinemas had been closed for months, the audience can now test it out.

Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn, Romania / Luxembourg / Czech Republic / Croatia 2021, 106 min., FSK from 18, by Radu Jude, with Katia Pascariu, Claudia Ieremia, Olimpia Mălai

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