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Bad habits affect brain health.

Not getting enough vitamin D, lack of exercise, lack of sleep … it affects memory and damages brain health.

A sedentary lifestyle is harmful to health in many ways. Particularly harmful to the brain.

Although it weighs just over 1 kg, the human brain has unlimited storage capacity and the speed of information can reach 400 km / h. Therefore, your efforts to protect and preserve this institution are worthwhile.

Adopting a brain-healthy lifestyle should be part of your daily routine. Furthermore, you should also avoid some things that can damage your brain. Here are four bad things you can do to your brain.

◆ insufficient vitamin D

According to MedlinePlus, vitamin D helps improve and maintain bone strength and also plays an important role in nerves, muscles and the immune system. Research has found a link between vitamin D and brain health.

Michael Dominello, a radiation therapist at the Carmanos Cancer Institute, says maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s.

“You can increase your vitamin D levels by eating foods rich in vitamin D, exposing your skin to safe sun exposure and taking dietary supplements,” advises Dominello.

◆ No physical activity

A sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to health in many ways.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that 2 million deaths per year are due to inactivity, which WHO warns that sedentary living is one of the top 10 causes of death and disability.

“The researchers found that sitting is associated with the thinness of the brain regions that are important for memory formation,” says Science Daily.

“Start with the goal of increasing your heart rate with physical activity (biking, running, swimming or brisk walking). You don’t need long workouts, just commit for at least 10 minutes a day and stick to it,” he said. the oncologist advises Domenico.

◆ lack of sleep

Napping can boost your brain, but you still need a good night’s sleep. Dominello says there is a lot of data showing that people need at least 7 hours of sleep a day.

“Recent research shows that chronic sleep deprivation can cause severe brain damage,” reports Brain & Life.

Studies have shown that lack of sleep interferes with learning, impairs cognitive abilities and slows reaction times. Experts also link sleep and memory.

Oncologist Dominello recommends creating a peaceful environment for yourself, for example by avoiding drinking water before bed and avoiding electronic devices.

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