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“Back to the QWERTY Keyboard: A Review of the Unihertz Titan Pocket Phone”

In a society where touchscreen phones dominate the market, it may seem outdated to consider using a keyboard phone. However, as technology continues to evolve and change the way we communicate, it’s worth taking a look at the benefits of using a keyboard phone in 2023. From increased security to improved typing speed, there are several reasons why a keyboard phone may actually be an advantage in today’s digital age. In this article, we’ll explore why using a keyboard phone in 2023 kind of rules.

Over the past month, I’ve been using the Unihertz Titan Pocket, a recently-released phone that features a 3.1-inch display above a full Qwerty keyboard. I wasn’t forced to use this phone as a prank by my editors, nor was it my only option. In fact, I gave up my perfectly good iPhone 12 Mini to try something new.

What drew me to the Titan Pocket was the nostalgia of its form factor. I haven’t used a phone with a physical keyboard since I stole my dad’s BlackBerry when I was in middle school. I’ve received more comments on this phone than any other gadget, with people mistaking it for a BlackBerry and asking about its specs.

But the main reason for switching to the Titan Pocket was its keyboard. I’ll be hiking the Pacific Crest Trail for a few months, and I’ll need a device where I can communicate through long emails instead of texts. This phone was perfect for writing. Its keyboard is tactile, with function keys that add another layer to the experience. Plus, it has programmable keys that I can use as shortcuts for apps and actions.

Moreover, the Titan Pocket has several features that are absent in an iPhone 12 Mini, such as a headphone jack, a microSD card slot, and an IR blaster that controls your TV or fan. Its battery life is also impressive, lasting for two days without a charge.

Of course, no phone is perfect. The Titan Pocket has some drawbacks, including an outdated processor, a bad camera, and a touchscreen that requires letterbox mode to view Instagram Stories. But its physical keyboard makes up for these shortcomings, providing a tactile experience that an iPhone cannot match. While my typing speed may be slower, being able to switch between apps and copy-paste text without touching the screen makes me feel like a productivity deity.

As time goes on, technology advances at an unprecedented pace, offering us more and more options when it comes to communication. However, some things never go out of style, and the good old keyboard phone is a shining example of timeless functionality. Its simplicity and ergonomic design have been winning fans for decades, and as we approach 2023, there is no reason to believe that this trend will slow down. Whether you are a savvy business executive or a senior citizen looking for a reliable device to keep in touch with loved ones, the keyboard phone is definitely worth considering. So why not make your life easier and embrace the power of the classic keyboard phone today?

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