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Azerbaijan attacks the defenseless population of Nagorno with drones and heavy artillery KARABAKH

A new attack by the armed forces of Azerbaijan against the Armenian Republic of Nagorno Karabakh Artsakh has been underway since this morning.
Once again Aliyev’s autocratic regime chooses the path of bombs instead of peace talks.
After having accumulated weapons and soldiers on the borders of NK and Armenia in recent days, after repeating fake news regarding alleged Armenian provocations, this morning Azeri artillery and drones began bombing the capital Stepanakert and the surrounding villages.
From the news arriving, many children injured by the explosions and taken to hospital are among the victims.
This is the final operation that comes after nine months of blockade imposed on the population left without food, medicine, fuel and basic necessities.
Azerbaijan also announced the creation of humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of the population from the dangerous areas of Nagorno Karabakh, a way to “expel” the Armenians from the land that has always been that of their ancestors.
The Armenian communities denounce this new criminal act of war and wait for international institutions to act immediately to condemn this military aggression and impose sanctions on the warmongering Azeri dictator.
We appeal to the Italian parliament and government (which in recent months has remained silent in the face of the humanitarian crisis caused by the blockade of the region) to urgently intervene to support the population and condemn yet another war unleashed by Azerbaijan.
This new act of war is the result of an international policy that has tolerated the criminal activity of the Azerbaijani dictator in recent years, going so far as to define him as a “reliable partner”, launching appeals for generic paths of peace while Azerbaijan was starving the population of Nagorno Karabakh and invaded hundreds of square kilometers of the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
Once again the Armenian population is the victim of international power games.
There is no other solution than to guarantee the right to self-determination of the Armenian people of Artsakh as it is all too clear that they will never be able to live within the borders of an Armenophobic dictatorship like the Azerbaijani one.
Words of condemnation are not enough, it is time to act without hesitation. The lives of 120 thousand people are in danger, their fate depends on our actions. Economic interests cannot trample on the rights of every human being to live, and live in freedom.

Council for the Armenian community of Rome.

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