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‘Avoiding Student Credit card debt Overseas? So DUO will block your passport ‘

Which experiences Fidelity Nowadays. The newspaper writes that the Executive Agency for Schooling (DUO) has by now prevented the renewal of passports of 2,700 previous students in the latest a long time. The measure is applied only for people today who are in arrears of much more than 5,000 euros.

A quarter of overseas pupils ‘lost’

A quarter of the 100,000 Dutch alumni residing abroad have “dropped” the DUO. Considerably (80%) of these missing Dutchmen have arrears of payment, which has prolonged been a thorn in DUO’s aspect.

Previous college students who, immediately after their passport could not be prolonged, contacted the DUO and built payment arrangements, acquired a momentary passport of 12 or 24 months. While the scheme is efficient, the Nationwide Ombudsman has strongly criticized it, according to the newspaper.

If there is no get hold of with a “missing” pupil, the Ombudsman finds it comprehensible that the DUO blocks the renewal of the passport. But if somebody merely cannot satisfy the payments, these kinds of a block is “insignificant and inappropriate”.

You reduce your task or go away the region

Previous students with whom the paper converses say the steps have significantly-achieving effects for their lifestyle abroad. For instance, persons have misplaced their employment or have been not able to keep in a country owing to the deficiency of a legitimate passport.

DUO considers this responsibility of alumni.

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