Home » today » World » Attention, one of the worst films of the year is coming to the cinemas: German trailer for “Buddy Games” – Kino News

Attention, one of the worst films of the year is coming to the cinemas: German trailer for “Buddy Games” – Kino News

Record disgusting jokes, sexist slogans plus painful injuries of a physical and psychological nature form the basis for the slapstick comedy “Buddy Games”. If you haven’t stopped reading, you can see the trailer here:

Buddy Games Trailer DF”,”duration”:92,”view_count”:1305,”added_at”:{“date”:”2021-01-04 08:23:00.000000″,”timezone_type”:3,”timezone”:”Europe/Berlin”},”metas”:{“genre_main_movie”:[{“name”:”Komu00f6die”,”id”:”13005″},{“name”:”Action”,”id”:”13025″}],”id_main_movie”:257177,”image_main_movie”:”/pictures/21/05/18/12/39/2145233.jpg”,”localized_file_type”:”trailer”,”main_movie_type”:4002,”name_main_movie”:”Buddy Games”,”nb_days_release_main_movie”:3,”release_date_main_movie”:{“date”:”2021-06-17 00:00:00.000000″,”timezone_type”:3,”timezone”:”Europe/Berlin”},”release_status_movie”:”Kinostart”,”trans_file_type”:”Trailer”},”relatedEntityDistributor”:”Paramount Pictures Germany”,”relatedEntityDistributorId”:23760,”relatedEntityType”:”movie”,”relatedEntityTrackingIdentifier”:”257177-buddy_games”,”relatedEntityTitle”:”Buddy Games”,”relatedEntityId”:257177,”genres”:[{“id”:”13005″,”name”:”Komu00f6die”},{“id”:”13025″,”name”:”Action”}],”relatedEntityUrl”:”ACraHRACr0cHM6Ly93d3cuZmlsbXN0YXJ0cy5kZS9rcml0aWtlbi8yNTcxNzcuaHRtbA==”,”mediaUrl”:”ACraHRACr0cHM6Ly93d3cuZmlsbXN0YXJ0cy5kZS9rcml0aWtlbi8yNTcxNzcvdHJhaWxlci8xOTU3ODY3MC5odG1s”}],”disablePreroll”:false,”disablePostroll”:false}” data-thumb=”https://de.web.img3.acsta.net/r_640_360/videothumbnails/21/01/04/08/25/1599991.png”>

Bob (Josh Duhamel), Shelly (Dan Bakkedahl), Doc (Kevin Dillon), Durfy (Dax Shepard), Zane (James Roday Rodriguez) and Bender (Nick Swardson) have been best buddies since they were young. Long since their forties, they continue to organize their “Buddy Games” every summer with adolescent and anything but harmless competitions.

At some point, however, there is an incident. There is a quarrel between the men who just seemed inseparable and they lose sight of each other. But when Bob hears that one of his friends is severely depressed and even suicidal, he gathers the troop back together and everyone realizes how much they missed the nonsense they celebrated together …

Clearly recognizable role models

Anyone who liked the similarly positioned “Jackass”, “Catch Me!” Or the two “kids’ heads” films and is willing to reduce their own demands many times over can of course watch the film. “Buddy Games” opens in German cinemas on June 17, 2021. But don’t say afterwards that we didn’t warn you:

This is a warning!

We have already seen the film and in our official FILMSTARTS review we couldn’t avoid giving the lowest possible grade of 0.5 stars and making a damning verdict: “‘Buddy Games’ is nothing more than the blunt sequence of never igniting disgust jokes, repulsive misogynistic behavior and depictions of physical injuries or psychological humiliation.” Our final conclusion is: “Every visit to the oral surgeon is more fun – and above all less painful.”

The complete FILMSTARTS review of “Buddy Games”

A very promising cast, actually

Josh Duhamel, who also made his directorial debut and who was involved in the weak script, took on the leading role. Netflix subscribers could have seen him in the superhero series “Jupiter’s Legacy”, which was discontinued just a few weeks after the start. Before that, he made a name for himself with his second series appearances as Captain Lennox in the early “Transformers” blockbusters and as the star of the TV series “Las Vegas”.

In addition to Duhamel, Dan Bakkedahl (“Space Force”), “Entourage” veteran Kevin Dillon, Dax Shepard (“CHiPs”), Nick Swardson from various Adam Sandler films such as “The Chaos Dad” or “Jack and Jill” as well as James Roday Rodriguez, who was still the hilarious in “Psych”, as buddies in front of the camera. Olivia Munn also has a thankless appearance at the beginning and at the end of the film.

For original sound fans who are still not deterred, we have the much longer US trailer in English at the end:

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