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Attention, men! This is the fruit that helps prevent prostate cancer

Cancer is a disease that everyone wants to avoid, but there is no exact science on how to prevent it. However, it is known that some foods contain nutrients that increase our body’s defenses.

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Among the most common types of cancer is prostate cancer. It is the most common among the male population, accounting for 29% of diagnoses of the disease in Brazil. According to the National Cancer Institute (INCA), there were 65,840 new cases of prostate cancer each year between 2020 and 2022.

Pomegranate: the fruit acts in the prevention of cancer

What few people know is that pomegranate can help prevent several health problems, including cancer. This is because it is a fruit rich in polyphenols and tannins that help prevent disease. In addition to cancer, it helps in the prevention of Alzheimer’s and myocardial infarction.

Studies carried out in the United States, Japan and Cuba has revealed that pomegranate protects against skin, breast and colon cancers. A daily glass of lei juice delays the evolution of recurrent tumors in people operated on for prostate cancer with increasing levels of PSA antigen. The fruit also has a preventive effect on prostate cancer in healthy people.

In Iran, the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences has also shown that consuming pomegranate juice helps inhibit the growth of cancer cells that cause prostate cancer. This consequently decreases the risk of dying from this disease.

fruit increases testosterone

Part of the benefits of pomegranate is due to the effect of increasing the levels of testosterone who consumes it. A study published in Huffpost Voices revealed that pomegranate juice has similar aphrodisiac effects to Viagra.

Research indicates that after two weeks of consuming pomegranate juice, both men and women increased their sexual appetite, their facial hair grew, and their voices changed. That is, it is worth consuming it in moderation to enjoy its benefits.

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