Home » today » World » Attackers kidnap one other Catholic priest in Nigeria: Fidesz information company – Vatican Information

Attackers kidnap one other Catholic priest in Nigeria: Fidesz information company – Vatican Information

The Fidesz information company reported that two clergymen had been kidnapped by attackers in Might alone. A priest was kidnapped by assailants from Adamawa state close to Abuja on Might 21. On the fifteenth, one other priest was kidnapped by assailants in Anamba state within the south-central area of Nigeria. Fidesz information company reported that many individuals, together with college students, are being kidnapped by attackers within the nation for monetary acquire.

Monsignor Joji Vadakara, Vatican Information

Fidesz information company reported that attackers kidnapped one other Catholic priest within the northwest African nation of Nigeria. A couple of days after the kidnapping of Basil Gbusuo, a second priest was kidnapped by the attackers. On Might 21, assailants kidnapped a priest named Oliver Buba from the Diocese of Yola in Adamawa State.

At one o’clock within the evening Mr. Yola Abhiwandya Diocese Stephen Dami Mamsa stated that Oliver Buba was kidnapped by folks.

The Diocese of Yola is positioned in Adamawa State within the northeastern area of Nigeria. However the priest who was kidnapped on Might 15 was serving within the south-central state of Anamba, close to the Nigerian capital, Abuja.

On this regard, Fidesz information company stated that these two incidents present that such violence is going on nearly in all places in Nigeria, and it may be understood that individuals, particularly college students, are kidnapped in such teams for monetary causes.

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2024-05-23 15:44:43

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