Home » today » World » “Attack” on CPK? Hysteria on the Internet. There is a reaction from the government

“Attack” on CPK? Hysteria on the Internet. There is a reaction from the government

What has spread on Twitter is, in a sense, conscious disinformation. Perhaps all those who put words in our mouths that we wanted to plow this project because they wanted to distinguish themselves from us in this way adopted this modus operandi. It seems to me that this message was really simple and you just need to read it carefully – says money.pl Maciej Lasek, government plenipotentiary for the Central Communication Port, Deputy Minister of Funds and Regional Policy.

We ask Maciej Lasek whether the Central Communication Port will be built. – After all, the CPK terminal is being designed, the entire airside infrastructure (runways, taxiways, hangars – editor’s note) is being designed, all works are still in progress. I see no reason for such hysteria, except that some people think otherwise – says the government representative for the CPK.

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See also: Europe has a problem. “CPK can be a cure”

“Killing the CPK project”. They comment on the plans to expand Chopin Airport

Let us recall that on Monday, Polish Airports announced a preliminary plan to expand Chopin Airport. After completing the work in 2029, at a cost of approximately PLN 2 billion, it will be ready to handle 30 million passengers a year. Airports in Modlin, Radom and Łódź are also to take over some of the air traffic from Warsaw. It was also reported that the real opening date of the CPK is 2032-2035.

There was a wave of comments on the X platform (formerly Twitter). “A very good decision,” wrote Alicja Defratyka, an economist and political commentator. She referred to an article by “Wyborcza” in which it was written that “the construction of the CPK in Baranów for over PLN 40 billion has been postponed” because “investments at Chopin Airport are returning” and “some of the planes are to be moved to Modlin, Radom and Łódź.”

Maciej Wilk, former vice-president of LOT Polish Airlines, currently the head of the “Yes for CPK” association, wrote about an “infrastructural coup” and “the absurdity of anti-development propaganda.”

The presented plan is doomed to failure and de facto kills the CPK project, he said in his entry.

MEP Robert Biedroń wrote that “CPK should be the government’s priority. There are no doubts on the part of the Left.”

Marcin Horała, former plenipotentiary for the CPK during the PiS government, wrote that “the last counterattack of the land of October regarding the CPK is the concept of expanding Chopin Airport.” In the next entry, he published a recording in which explains “why expanding Chopin instead of building CPK is absurd.”

“There will be no CPK, NABE and no transformation either. Horrendously high increases and killing any competitiveness of Polish companies” – wrote Jacek Sasin

These are just a few of the numerous entries published recently on the X platform. Some users write that “they are announcing the construction of the CPK”, others – that “it’s a lie. The CPK will never be built.” Former PiS Prime Minister Beata Szydło also wrote about the official burial of the CPK.

Many people committed to the idea of ​​#YesForCPK thought that substantive arguments must prevail and Tusk’s government will not eliminate a project that is simply profitable and necessary for Poland. Of course, Tusk’s team didn’t care about substantive arguments – because they don’t care about Poland’s development.

That’s why yesterday the CPK project was officially buried. And it will be the same with all other investments serving the development of Poland. Tusk is not here to develop Poland. He is here to destroy Poland.

-Beata Szydło, PiS MP, former prime minister

2032 year. “The CPK schedules were unrealistic from the beginning”

During Monday’s conference, it was emphasized that the real opening date of the CPK is 2032. The expansion plans and forecasts for Chopin Airport assume a three-year longer margin.

– Unrealistic CPK implementation schedules were communicated from the very beginning. Everyone paid attention to it, except the company’s management board at that time and PiS politicians. Our first task was to show these real schedules. We asked Jacobs, which provides consulting services to CPK. And they told us in their report that the earliest real date for opening the new central airport is the second half of 2032 – emphasizes Maciej Lasek.

He points out that “the same comes from the analyzes of high-speed rail.” – The Warsaw-Łódź section is to be ready only around 2031. Why so long? Because this will be the first section of the HSR where we will collect experience, including the certification of all technical solutions. Therefore, 2032 is the first possible date when the airport, railway and road transport will be connected – explains the Deputy Minister of Funds and Regional Policy.

– Until then, we must use a bridge solution that will allow us to increase the capacity of Chopin Airport, artificially limited by our predecessors. And remove the investment brake at the Modlin airport, because CPK practically does not provide services for low-cost airlines. Therefore, Modlin must also remain as a complement to Baranów. To do all this, investments are necessary – says Maciej Lasek in an interview with us.

The Deputy Minister reminds that, according to forecasts, if there are no investments at Chopin Airport, the growing air traffic will not wait for the opening of the CPK. – Without expansion, we will lose 42 million passengers by 2032, and even twice as many by 2035. Other airports will take over this traffic, which could develop in the Masovia region – adds Lasek.

He argues that making the CPK schedule more realistic and adopting 2032 as the first real date of possible opening will allow us to gain more time. – Also from the perspective of the inhabitants of those areas. Because thanks to this it will be possible, for example, to consider resuming the Voluntary Acquisition Program, which ended last year. Also to reduce social tension, he says.

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