Home » today » Sport » ATP> Troicki on Djokovic: “Nadal and Federer were at the top then suddenly a guy from Serbia won all the tournaments, it doesn’t please”

ATP> Troicki on Djokovic: “Nadal and Federer were at the top then suddenly a guy from Serbia won all the tournaments, it doesn’t please”

Viktor Troicki, who recently said he wanted to end his career this year, gave an interview to the Objectiv media. He obviously spoke of Novak Djokovic and in particular of his reputation. The fact that he has upset the established order is undoubtedly the reason for a certain disenchantment on the part of some tennis fans, according to the former world number 12.

“We all see this dislike, it’s very easy to see. The point is, Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer were at the top before Nole appeared, then suddenly a guy from Serbia came and won all the tournaments. Others don’t like it. We all know what the situation has been in our country over the past decades. The world does not have a good image of us, so not everyone, but some condemn him and have a false image of him (Djokovic). He is above all a well-intentioned man, he wants to help everyone, which he has shown time and time again. They condemn him because they do not know him or because they want to make a controversy where there is none. It is not nice, they are wrong in many situations ”, said Viktor Troicki in this heated debate.

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