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Atlético de Madrid ties El Jebari El Hannoun with 16 years and a closing of 24 million

Atlético de Madrid ties one of their young promises. At just 16 years old, the rojiblanco club has renewed and shielded Salim El Jebari El Hannouni, who has already posed on social networks signing his first great contract as a professional soccer player.

According to the newspaper Brand, Atlético de Madrid have renewed Salim El Jerabi for three seasons. The player currently plays in the Cadet, although the intention is that during the next three courses he is already in the Youth. It is, without a doubt, a strange operation with footballers of such a young age.

Because the rojiblanco club has not only renewed the young Salim, but has also put a 24 million euro clause. A figure that aims to scare away other clubs in the face of a possible renovation that, at these ages, does not usually involve large investments.

Salim El Jebari poses after signing the contract.

Salim El Jebari, a gem of only 16 years

The midfielder, barely 16 years old, is dazzling in the lower categories of Atlético de Madrid. This season, at the First Autonomic of Madrid, He has played 19 games in which he has scored 12 goals, although it is not one of the offensive references of the team.

Born in Madrid in 2004, Salim El Jebari El Hannouni excited also in Morocco, where it has already been cited in the lower categories. With his team he will face next year 2021 the Africa Cup sub 17, also aspiring to be in the next soccer World Cup the absolute one that will be played in Qatar in 2022.

His great progress in recent months has led to the shielding of Atlético de Madrid, which places a lot of confidence in the young midfielder. A player who stands out for his vision of the game from the core and who could also be cited by Spain before debuting with the absolute Morocco.

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