Home » today » News » Athletics. Sarthe: Philippe Leprévost, new president of the Departmental Committee. Sport

Athletics. Sarthe: Philippe Leprévost, new president of the Departmental Committee. Sport

He takes over from Marie-Pierre Chevreau, who resigned in February from the presidency of the athletics committee 72. Philippe Leprévost wants to support the image of the committee, and to continue the momentum that it has been set up for the latter. month.

You were not a candidate for the Presidency last October and you finally proposed your candidacy after the resignation of Marie-Pierre Chevreau. Why this turnaround?

The resignations of Marie-Pierre Chevreau, outgoing president and Bettina Avignon, outgoing secretary, sent a very negative message to the newly elected officials whom we had asked to form a rejuvenated and enthusiastic team. Also, it seemed important to me to compensate for these resignations as quickly as possible and not to take the risk of a hemorrhage which would have tarnished the image and the action of the departmental committee.

At first I did not necessarily want to present myself because in the meantime I was elected to the league management committee as president of the CSO and it was agreed to avoid multiple mandates.

But you finally decided to go …

Serge Mottier, the president of the league, having given me his agreement to be able to combine the two functions, I indeed made the decision to propose my candidacy for the post of president. Especially since several members of the steering committee have asked me to think about it, as well as former presidents.

Having a strong steering committee weighed heavily in my decision-making as well as my very next retirement, which will give me a lot more time.

Which president do you want to be for the next four years?

I do not wish to be an omnipotent chairman and I will leave a lot of latitude to committee chairmen to manage the day-to-day business of their delegations.

During my two previous terms alongside President Bernard Sciberras, it was our mode of operation, just as it is with Serge Mottier in the league and I think it works well.

What will be your first actions as President?

At first, I do not wish to modify the current operation implemented recently. Our big job will be the writing of the development plan with all the elected officials before involving the employees of the committee, as far as they are concerned. The development plan must be a collegial work, while taking into account the directives of our funders. I would then do an analysis of the way the committee works and I would perhaps make some modifications, in particular the service to the clubs. which must be more important than what is currently done. Here again it will be a smooth evolution, with the contribution of everyone’s ideas for implementation from the next athletic season.

Philippe Leprévost in brief

61 years old, married with two children.

President of the UA Sargé

Former President of Athlé 72 Le Mans,

President of the departmental CSO from 2008 to 2016 and vice-president of the departmental committee from 2012 to 2016,

Federal level judge: video stopwatch, manual stopwatch, throwing judge, managers.

Federal anti-doping delegate, regional commentator, regional binder.

Organizations: Creation of the Sargé half-marathon in 1990 and the 10 km de Changé in the early 2000s. Organization of the French cross-country championships at Le Mans in 2016 (with Bernard Sciberras, Jacques Tuffière and Philippe Leboucher).

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