Home » today » Health » At municipal vaccination points, attention to citizens is maintained according to the calendar of the Ministry of Health, says council | Community | Guayaquil

At municipal vaccination points, attention to citizens is maintained according to the calendar of the Ministry of Health, says council | Community | Guayaquil

Four areas of the city are available to citizens with municipal support.

The Guayaquil council affirmed that in the municipal vaccination centers the inoculation of drugs against COVID-19 continues to the age groups established in the schedule of the Ministry of Public Health.

That is to say, this Friday people of 44 years should be vaccinated, on Saturday those of 43 and on Sunday those of 42.

Likewise, within the ministerial programming disseminated on the Vaccine Plan portal, the immunization of people from the age of 16 onwards who have catastrophic illnesses or aggravating illnesses with their due certificate from the MSP that endorses that condition is provided.

As part of the initiatives to encourage vaccination, the council maintains the delivery of food kits to people who go to get vaccinated in the first and second doses at the points enabled within the agreement between the Buenos Aires institute and the ministry of the branch. These are the Bolivian Technological Institute (ITB), Solca, Universidad Salesiana (via a la costa) and the Mucho Lote esplanade.

Municipal vaccination points are open from 08:30 to 17:00.

In some centers of the Ministry of Public Health, in Guayaquil, since this last Thursday, young people aged 18 and over have been vaccinated; however, the Government has not yet made this measure official until noon today.

After the announcement of the mayor about the possibility of requiring the presentation of the vaccination card in places of concurrence of people in the city, the influx of users has increased in local vaccinations. For example, in Mucho Lote last Thursday, the 15th, 3,180 people attended.

An average of 36,000 people per week are vaccinated in municipal areas. To speed up the process, next week it is planned to open other immunization spaces in the esplanade of the Alberto Spencer Model stadium, in the Casuarina sector and in the 25 de Julio terminal of the Metrovía. (I)

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