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at least one teacher is missing in nearly two-thirds of colleges and high schools

“The beginning of the school year is not technically as positive as we would have liked”, believes Bruno Bobkiewicz, general secretary of the SNPDEN trade union and head of the Paris region. The main school heads union conducted the traditional back-to-school survey. His questionnaire received 2,600 responses, or a third of all colleges and high schools. Results: “We can say a priori that the data are better than last year. Only that for a normal year, that is compared to 2019, the last year without Covid, we have a certain number of establishments for which difficulties in recruiting and assigning teachers remain significant. According to this survey, “in almost two out of three schools there is still a shortage of at least one teacher after the start of the school year“.

In detail, the survey shows that currently, nationwide, only about 37% of the factories have the entire team. Almost 28% have only one missing teacher and 35% have more than one missing teacher.

Geographical imbalances

Academic disparities are evident. “There are significant geographical imbalances“, Bruno Bobkiewicz suit. “Some academies are under more tension than others. We often take the example of the Créteil academy, which encounters more difficulties from this point of view. And there are academies where the award rate is very high, in Limoges for example where the problem it is very different.“So, 88% of the colleges and high schools of the Limoges academy have all their teachers, while 23% of those of the Créteil academy are in the same case.

Among the less active academies there are also those of Amiens, Clermont-Ferrand, Dijon and Reims, where over 50% of the establishments claim to have all their staff. In contrast, in addition to the Paris region and overseas departments and territories, the academies of Bordeaux, Grenoble, Orléans-Tours and Metz-Nancy are facing a severe recruitment crisis, with at most 20% of colleges and high schools that benefit from a complete team.

Unequal topics

Even the disciplines are not all in the same boat. “In college, technology is a particular problem”, specifies the representative of the heads of the establishment. “Vocational education suffers from significant deficits in some subjects, always with significant geographical differences. In some disciplines there are surpluses, i.e. teachers awaiting assignment, while in other academies there is a shortage of teachers. There is a balance problem between one academy and another.

However, teachers are assigned to a particular academy for at least one school year. The SNPDEN denounces a lack of equity in the territory.

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