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At least 25 Brazilian governors oppose Bolsonaro and maintain isolation

“Cearenses, given the President of the Republic’s statement, I have just one comment to make: we will continue to work hard on actions that aim to prevent the progress of coronavirus in our state, as we have done so far. All the measures adopted by us are recommended by health professionals, by the World Health Organization itself and have been the best way to confront the coronavirus in the world ”, said Camilo Santana, quoted by G1.

Most Brazilian governors opposed the appeal made on Tuesday night by the Brazilian head of state, who asked state and municipal authorities to reopen schools and commerce, and end “mass confinement”.

“A few state and municipal authorities must abandon the scorched earth concept, the ban on transportation, the closure of trade and mass confinement. What is happening in the world has shown that the risk group is that of people over 60 years old. So, why close schools? ”, Asked Jair Bolsonaro, stressing that the country must“ return to normality ”.

In what was his third message to the country about the new coronavirus, broadcast on radio and television, Bolsonaro declared that life “must go on” and that the situation “will soon pass”.

However, Bolsonaro’s statements run counter to his own government’s recommendations.

On its website, the Brazilian Ministry of Health advises the population to avoid crowds and to reduce commuting to work, defending “remote work” and “anticipating vacations in educational institutions”, especially in regions with community transmission of the virus, that is, when they can no longer identify the infection trajectory.

This afternoon, the governors of the nine states in the northeastern region issued a letter in which they assure that they will maintain the preventive measures already taken in relation to the new coronavirus.

In the document, the state authorities also stressed that they were “frustrated with the aggressive positioning of the Presidency of the Republic”, adding that the head of state “should exercise its leadership and coalition role on behalf of Brazil”.

Today, Brazil has 57 deaths and 2,433 infected by the new coronavirus, and for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic’s arrival in the South American country, deaths were registered outside the epicenters of the outbreak in the country – São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

The new coronavirus, responsible for the covid-19 pandemic, has already infected nearly 450,000 people worldwide, of whom more than 20,000 have died.

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