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Astronomy: The Phenomenon of Conjunction Where Celestial Bodies Are Close To Each Other

Lengkong, AyoBandung.com – Lately there is a lot of talk about the phenomenon of the celestial contact. Do you know what the real phenomenon is conjunction the celestial object?

As we all know, objects in outer space move according to trajectories in orbiting other centers, satellites to planets and planets to stars. Occasionally, these objects will pass by because of their position in a straight line. This is what is called conjunction.

Conjunction Process

Judging from the process, conjunction occurs due to the revolution of the planet or satellite. Revolution itself is the activity of an object around its center. By humans, the revolution of the earth around the sun is used to determine the time of year in the Gregorian calendar calculations that are now widely used.

Next process from conjunction influenced by position. The orbits of celestial bodies are not perfectly round, but tend to be oval. Conjunctions occur after some time has passed, the evolving planets are in a straight line. The oval shape of the orbit also allows the planets not to collide with each other even in conjunction

Conjunction Impact

Conjunction is one of the amazing natural phenomena. Especially because this phenomenon is a form of appearance which means it can be seen with the eye. The impact that occurs when a conjunction occurs on planet earth is a beautiful sight that appears in the sky.

For lovers astronomy, this phenomenon is an event not to be missed. Neighboring planets such as mercury, venus and mars become clearer to see.

From existing records, the phenomenon of conjunction has occurred quite a lot in the last 100 years. Some of them are :

  1. Moon conjunction and planet on April 7, 1994. In this phenomenon, mercury, mars, saturn, jupiter and the moon converge so that they can be seen from the earth.
  2. Planetary conjunction and month ke sun on May 5, 2000. In this phenomenon, the 5 planets in the solar system along with the moon gather near the sun.
  3. Mercury inferior conjunction on July 1, 2020. In this phenomenon Earth and Mercury are only 87 million kilometers apart and are used to calibrate units astronomy.

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