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Assistants of Putin

NEW YORK (Dagbladet): – I am one hundred percent Russophile, said the American actor, Seagal, during a meeting of the International Movement of Russophiles in Moscow this week, according to The Guardian.

He is best known for his martial arts skills and B-movies. In 2016, he received a Russian citizenship.

About Putin link: – Supported him

This week he was in the venerable Pushkin Museum together with about 90 like-minded foreigners invited by Putin’s regime. Unsurprisingly, the gathering consisted largely of people with very marginal views and with a penchant for lurid conspiracy theories.

The detail from the meeting between Chechnya’s leader Ramzan Kadyrov and Russian President Vladimir Putin is causing a stir. Video: AP / Telegram @Kadyrov_95. Reporter: Vegard Krüger / Dagbladet TV.
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– Direct Nazism

Putin’s loyal foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, also spoke at the event.

– We don’t just see neo-Nazism. We see outright Nazism covering more and more European countries. we see how history is being destroyed before our eyes, sacred monuments are being destroyed, Lavrov claims.

Among the other participants was the former Bulgarian politician Nikolai Malinov, who is now subject to US sanctions.

Action actor is Russia's new special envoy to the United States

Action actor is Russia’s new special envoy to the United States

– It is time for the forces of light to defeat the forces of darkness, says Malinov.

He is accused of spying for Russia, and is now elected leader of the pro-Russian International Movement of Russophiles. The movement claims to have gathered members from 40 countries and is supported by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The general’s grandson

– I am here to promote peace and friendship, and I believe that this conflict has been provoked and caused by Anglo-Saxon interests. I believe it puts the world in deep danger, and I am here to fight against it, says Pierre de Gaulle to The Guardian.

He is the grandson of the famous French general and president, Charles de Gaulle.

Ukraine has banned Steven Seagal

Ukraine has banned Steven Seagal

In February, he told the French newspaper Le Parisien that the West has “unfortunately allowed Zelenskyi, his oligarchs and neo-Nazi military groups to lock themselves into a spiral of war”.

He also uses his grandfather’s name to lend legitimacy to his views.

– My grandfather had a very deep and intense knowledge of Russian leaders and the Russian people. So he was quite aware of the interest and the geographical necessity of Europe and France being allies with Russia, says De Gaulle.

Princess support

The Italian princess Vittoria Alliata de Villafranca (73) was also on stage during the event. In Italy, she is known for being the first to translate Tolkien’s books into Italian.

See photos from inside the luxury palace that Vladimir Putin reportedly shares with his mistress and their three children. Video: Proekt / Reporter: Jessica Maria Szymanska / Dagbladet

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During the event in Moscow, she advanced several conspiracy theories. She claims, among other things, that the “Russophobia” in the world is linked to when the USA landed in Sicily during the Second World War and started to spread its influence.

She also says that she visited the Russian Tsar family.

– I am cousins ​​with the Romanovs. I know them very well. I came to the wedding. So there is a tsar connection, claims the princess.

The Romanov family are the descendants of the last Tsar family, who were killed during the Russian Revolution in 1917.

- We fled to survive

– We fled to survive

Warning against cow marriage

At the same time, she warns that Western boys are encouraged to marry cows.

– I am in Russia to show you that there are other people in the world who share your opinions and views on the world. And that makes it easier for a village wife in Sicily, who doesn’t like that her son wants to marry a cow, says the princess.

At the same time, she denied that her view had anything to do with personal sympathies.

– I think Putin is nicer than Biden, but I am a good friend of Obama’s stepsister.

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