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Arrested for alleged sexual abuse of his cousin with intellectual disabilities

At the request of the Public Ministry, José Luis Navarro Arismendi (42) was deprived of liberty for his alleged responsibility for the sexual abuse of his cousin who suffers from an intellectual disability.

Such a situation would have occurred on March 15 in a house located in the Las Marías neighborhood of Paraguaná street, located in the San Fernando municipality, capital of Apure state.

During the night of that day, while the victim was sleeping in her room, Navarro Arismendi entered through a window of the house, entered the room where her cousin was, pounced on her and used her force to rip open her neck. dress and sexually abuse her.

Realizing what was happening, the victim’s father entered the scene, struggled with the attacker and he was able to escape through the bedroom window.

Subsequently, a group of inhabitants of the area sighted Navarro Arismendi hiding in the vicinity of the house, seized him and tied him up until the arrival of a commission of officials from the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigation Corps (Cicpc); who were alerted to what happened by phone call.

Given these circumstances, the alleged aggressor was apprehended in flagrante delicto at the scene and placed at the order of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

At the presentation hearing, the 18th Prosecutor of Apure charged Navarro Arismendi for the alleged commission of a sexual act with a particularly vulnerable victim.

Once the elements of conviction exposed by the representation of the Public Ministry were evaluated, the 1st Control Court of that jurisdiction issued the deprivation of liberty against the aggressor and ordered his temporary detention at the headquarters of the Cicpc, located in the municipality of San Fernando. .

With information from Cactus24

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