Home » today » Entertainment » Armie Hammer’s exes and family open up about him in new documentary: “He is a monster” | TV

Armie Hammer’s exes and family open up about him in new documentary: “He is a monster” | TV

Courtney Vucekovich and Julia Morrison, two ex-girlfriends of Armie Hammer, talk about their terrifying experiences and alleged abuse by the actor. “He told me he was 100% a cannibal. That he wanted to eat me. He also said he wanted to tie my naked body to a pole at night so that strangers could have sex with me. Thus I would prove my love and loyalty to him.”

Casey Hammer immediately believes them. “From his grandfather, to his father and his brother, our entire family is made up of criminal men.”

The documentary will be available on Discovery+, a Disney+ partner channel, from September 2. It is not yet known if and when the documentary will be released in our country.

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