Home » today » World » Argentine consul visits compatriots disadvantaged of liberty in Rancagua jail – 2024-05-25 22:00:30

Argentine consul visits compatriots disadvantaged of liberty in Rancagua jail – 2024-05-25 22:00:30

Throughout the consular duties of the Embassy of Argentina in Chile, an annual go to is contemplated to the individuals of that nation disadvantaged of liberty within the completely different penal facilities of the nation, for which they request the assist of the Public Legal Defender’s Workplace to advise them on points. authorized issues and reply to inmates’ queries.

This was the case within the O’Higgins area, the place the trans-Andean consul, Octavio La Croce, requested the accompaniment of a public defender to supply higher care to his compatriots who stay within the Rancagua jail advanced.

The lawyer Daniela Larraguibel, from the Research Unit, was the one who met with Consul La Croce, who advised her that, not less than annually – in case there isn’t any extraordinary state of affairs -, the embassy organizes these visits to Argentine people who find themselves disadvantaged of liberty in Chile, with a purpose to know their legal state of affairs, present private hygiene gadgets, acquire details about their well being state of affairs and hyperlink them with their households, in case they don’t have roots in Chile.


On this case, the go to to the Rancagua Penitentiary Advanced happened when Octavio La Croce and Daniela Larraguibel met with the 4 Argentine residents who’re serving their sentences in that facility.

In an interview room they had been capable of meet personally with every of them, to study their state of affairs, clarify the sentencing phrases and the instances essential to qualify for advantages, along with discovering out if there have been any particular necessities.

Relating to the inmates’ queries, they primarily requested about the potential of being transferred to their nation of origin, to proceed serving their sentences there, requesting info to be transferred to a Research and Work Heart (CET) of the Chilean Gendarmerie and , the potential of delivering info to their households within the trans-Andean nation.

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