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Argentina, tragedy amongst amateurs: footballer dies after hitting his head towards a fence

Tragedy in Argentine soccer. The 23-year-old Angel Elias Ojeda died on Sunday throughout a match of the Liga de Bella Vista novice championship between Citrex and Pedro Ferré after violently hitting his head towards the wall surrounding the pitch. The incident occurred within the tenth minute of the second half: Ojeda was defending a ball from the opponent’s arrival close to the tip line of his personal space when, due to a shoulder from his rival, he violently hit his head towards the wall behind the door.

He died because of bleeding contained in the cranium

The state of affairs instantly appeared severe. After the blow, the footballer started to have convulsions. Teammates and opponents instantly referred to as for assist however the ambulance, nonetheless, not current on the pitch, arrived solely after 15′: a time which proved deadly as a result of boy’s loss of life. Rushed to hospital in El Salvador, he was identified with extreme head trauma, which brought about a subarachnoid hemorrhage with subdural hematoma. A journalist current on the occasion after which going to the hospital reported that “the medical workforce on the hospital did every part attainable to avoid wasting Ojeda’s life. They wished to switch him to the capital of Corrientes, however there was no time.”

La Liga defends itself: “Sadly nearly all our pitches are like this”

The tragic loss of life put the Liga Bella Vista within the eye of the storm which tried to justify itself for the poor security requirements, evident provided that it was calculated that the gap between the baseline and the wall was lower than one metre. “Sadly we’re amateurs and we play in services that aren’t in good situation,” stated president Cristian Hermosis. “There are definitely many issues to rethink. Many of the stadiums are 50 years previous. It’s troublesome to discover a discipline that doesn’t have this sort of wall enclosure. Many of the fields within the province of Corrientes are made like this.” On social media, the Membership Social y Peportivo Pedro Ferré de Bella Vista wished to recollect their participant by posting a picture marked in mourning with the writing: “Solely disappointment and ache in our hearts, endlessly Angel”.

#Argentina #tragedy #amongst #amateurs #footballer #dies #hitting #fence
– 2024-05-15 02:39:39

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