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Are ‘obesity’ and ‘cirrhosis’ different? How are they different?

Obesity VS Cirrhosis: Are they different? How are they different?

Many people may ask, is there a difference between obesity and cirrhosis? First of all, we need to understand what obesity is and what cirrhosis is. And being obese must also have cirrhosis? In fact, this may not always be the case. Therefore, let’s get to know obesity and liver disease clearly together.

What is obesity?

Obesity is a condition in which the body has accumulated more fat than normal or more than the body can burn. Therefore, the remaining energy is stored in the form of fat in various organs, which is at risk of causing health problems. and is the cause of various chronic diseases.

Causes of obesity

The causes of obesity are divided into internal factors and external factors. Most of which are people who are obese. It is often caused by external factors. Because they have the habit of eating according to their own desires. causing you to eat more than your body needs

External factors of obesity

  • Eat foods that are high in energy, meat, fat, starch, desserts.
  • Eating at irregular times, eating in small sips
  • Mostly sitting and lying down.
  • Lack of exercise, an internal factor in obesity

Internal factors of obesity

  • Endocrine disorders such as pituitary gland, thyroid gland
  • Stress
  • mind and emotions
  • congenital
  • Congenital diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure
  • Taking certain medicines
  • Age due to old age There will be less energy consumption.

Obesity can be divided into 2 types: abdominal obesity and total body obesity. Belly obesity is a disease that comes from improper living. Since the food No time to exercise Until it becomes obesity as a result. People who are obese There is often too much fat accumulated in the abdominal cavity. causing metabolic syndrome causing many complications It was found that people with chubby appearance


Effects of obesity

People who are obese It will have a negative effect on the body. and increases the risk of illness that causes chronic diseases and various symptoms such as

  • cardiovascular and brain disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Diabetes
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Heart disease
  • Paralysis
  • various cancers
  • Sleep apnea
  • Respiratory problems
  • Infertility
  • Menstruation is not normal.
  • Joint pain, premature osteoarthritis
  • Skin diseases such as acne, hirsutism, skin infections, body odor, etc.

What is cirrhosis?

Cirrhosis is a condition of liver disease. This occurs when the liver is damaged and permanently scarred. The characteristic feature is the presence of fibrotic tissue in the liver. Resulting in decreased liver function. Whether it is protein production Collection of important substances and minerals, destruction of toxins Including blocking the flow of blood flowing through the liver.

Causes of cirrhosis

Cirrhosis of the liver can be caused by many reasons, such as:

  • alcoholism Caused by drinking alcohol continuously for a long time.
  • Hepatitis B, C, and D
  • Autoimmune hepatitis
  • Abnormal iron storage disease
  • Wilson’s disease, which is caused by excessive copper buildup in the liver
  • Bile duct obstruction This causes bile to flow back to the liver, causing liver tissue damage and cirrhosis.
  • Fatty liver disease This causes chronic hepatitis that can lead to liver cirrhosis.
  • Taking certain medicines for a long time
  • Exposure to certain types of toxins
  • Multiple episodes of heart failure in a row


Symptoms of cirrhosis Patients with cirrhosis may have no symptoms or very few symptoms. Or there may be symptoms due to complications according to the stage of the disease. Symptoms that may be encountered include fatigue, tiredness, loss of appetite, sometimes accompanied by nausea and weight loss.

  • In women, there may be irregular menstruation. In men, there may be enlarged breasts accompanied by pain. decreased sexual performance
  • Swollen legs or enlarged stomach This is because less albumin is produced. This results in fluid accumulating in the legs or stomach.
  • Easily bruises or bleeds This is because the production of proteins that are components of blood clotting is reduced.
  • Jaundice, or jaundice, yellow eyes which is caused by the accumulation of bile pigments
  • Severe itching of the skin This is because bile compounds are embedded in the skin.
  • have brain symptoms This is because the liver cannot filter out toxins. So it starts to accumulate in the blood. The first signs of toxic buildup in the brain may be seen when the patient neglects to take care of himself. No reactions, easily forgetful, unable to concentrate
  • Sensitivity to drugs and side effects Because in patients with cirrhosis The liver cannot filter drugs from the blood at a normal rate. The drug therefore works longer and accumulates in the body.
  • severe bleeding in the upper stomach or esophagus Due to abnormal blood flow which is classified as a severe and dangerous condition Doctors had to stop the bleeding quickly.

Effects of Cirrhosis High blood pressure in the intra-abdominal portal vein – Cirrhosis increases pressure in the portal vein that flows to the liver. causing various complications

  • Infection – Patients with cirrhosis have low immunity. Inability to resist infection well As a result, there is a greater risk of severe infection.
  • Malnutrition – caused by decreased absorption of food. Causes weight loss and feeling tired
  • Depression and confusion due to impaired liver function – caused by a condition in which toxins accumulate in the body. due to damaged liver Unable to remove toxins from the blood, it affects the brain, causing confusion and coma.
  • Jaundice – The skin and whites of the eyes appear yellow. And the urine becomes darker because the liver is unable to eliminate it. Yellow substance or bilirubin can be removed from the blood.
  • Bone disease – People with cirrhosis may have decreased bone density and be at a higher risk of bone fractures.
  • The risk of developing liver cancer is higher.
  • Acute liver failure is a complication in patients with chronic cirrhosis – which is caused by various triggers, especially infections. causing the functioning of various organs to fail

Obesity and cirrhosis are different but have similar adverse effects.

How about solving the question about the difference between obesity and cirrhosis that we have brought to you today? It can be seen that the cause of the disease Symptoms of the disease and negative effects There are differences. But as for the side effects, they are equally frightening. So don’t forget to take care of your health. Completely seal leaks from the cause of the disease. It’s far from danger.

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2023-11-27 03:40:31

#obesity #cirrhosis

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