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ARBÖ: Mit diesen Spieltipps macht die Urlaubsfahrt so richtig Spaß

ARBÖ​ and Ravensburger GmbH Collaborate to Make Road Trips Fun for Kids

Vienna (OTS) – Road trips can ‌be ‍a long⁣ and tedious ⁣experience for adults, but for children, it can feel like an eternity. Even the most well-behaved young travelers‌ can ⁣quickly ⁤become restless. ​Trying to⁢ focus on the road, unfamiliar ⁤surroundings, navigation,⁢ and the kids can be a nerve-wracking task. ‌However, the ARBÖ (Auto-, Motor- und ‍Radfahrerbund Österreichs) has partnered with ⁣Ravensburger GmbH to create a⁣ selection of fun travel games that will turn the journey⁢ into​ an‍ adventure ​filled with excitement and enjoyment‌ for both kids and adults.

One of the ‍games‌ recommended by ⁢ARBÖ is the “Farbenspiel” ⁢(Color​ Game). ⁢Instead of ⁤the traditional “I spy” ⁣game, players ⁢simply name a color, and the children have⁣ to find objects ‌of that color. The player who ⁤finds the most objects wins.

Another game suggested by ARBÖ is “Wer⁢ oder was bin ich?” (Who or What am I?). ‌In ​this ⁢game, one player claims ​to be ⁣a person, object, or⁣ city, and the others have to​ guess⁣ who⁣ or what they are by asking yes-or-no questions. For⁢ example,‌ they might ask,⁤ “Are you an ​animal?”,​ “Do you have wings?”, or “Have we seen⁤ you in​ nature before?”. ​The first⁣ person to guess correctly gets ‍to be the next player.

ARBÖ‌ also recommends the use of magnetic activity books from⁢ Ministeps.⁤ These​ books ‍are not only entertaining but also practical ⁤for car journeys. With the book “Wer fährt ⁢wohin?”⁤ (Who ⁢goes ⁤where?), children ​can⁤ playfully​ discover which vehicle belongs to which location. The ⁤magnetic pieces ⁤stick ⁣well‌ to the book, so nothing gets lost easily.

The‍ tiptoi®⁤ pen, in combination with books like “Mein Wörter-Bilderbuch Unterwegs” (My‍ Word-Picture Book On the‍ Go), is ⁤another ideal game for children who enjoy exploring and learning. With the pen, they can learn new words and listen to exciting stories⁣ in ⁣a playful⁤ way. tiptoi® offers⁢ a wide‌ variety of books on various topics, ensuring there is ⁤something​ for⁣ every taste.

For creative entertainment ⁤on ​the go, ARBÖ suggests the Ministeps Aquadoodle Travel Dino. ‍This practical toy allows children to draw and paint with water⁣ on a⁢ special ⁤surface. The drawings fade after a short time, providing endless ​fun. The compact size ⁤and ‌the ability to store everything securely make it perfect for travel.

The BRIO Reise ⁣Labyrinth (BRIO Travel Labyrinth) ‍is‍ recommended for ⁢slightly older ⁣children who⁤ enjoy challenging​ puzzles. This ⁢compact game​ is reversible and self-contained, making it easy to take along on the journey. ​The⁢ goal⁣ is to guide ⁣a ball through various obstacles by tilting‌ the labyrinth ‍skillfully.

In ​addition to these games, ARBÖ

How does ⁤the collaboration between ARBÖ ⁤and Ravensburger GmbH‌ aim to make road trips more enjoyable for children?

‌ ARBÖ and Ravensburger GmbH ​have⁢ teamed up to make road trips more enjoyable for children. Traveling long ⁤distances⁤ can be tedious, especially for kids, who tend to get‌ restless quickly. This collaboration‌ aims to turn the journey into an exciting adventure ⁤for both kids and‍ adults.

The‍ ARBÖ (Auto-, ⁢Motor- ⁢und Radfahrerbund ⁣Österreichs) ⁢has recommended a‍ selection of fun travel games, and one of them is the “Farbenspiel” (Color Game). Instead of‍ the traditional “I‌ spy” ‌game, players simply name ‍a color, and the children have to find objects of that color. The player who finds the most objects wins, making the‌ journey more interactive ⁣and engaging for everyone involved.

2 thoughts on “ARBÖ: Mit diesen Spieltipps macht die Urlaubsfahrt so richtig Spaß”

  1. “Da kann der Sommerurlaub ja kommen! Mit den Spieltipps vom ARBÖ wird die Fahrt zur schönsten Zeit des Urlaubs. Endlich keine Langeweile mehr im Auto und volle Vorfreude auf die Auszeit. Danke für die tollen Ideen!”

  2. “Danke für die tollen Spieltipps! Mit diesen Ideen wird unsere Urlaubsfahrt sicherlich zu einem unterhaltsamen Abenteuer.”


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