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Application EIFFEL scholarship 2022-2023 – University of Toulon

The Eiffel scholarship program created by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs allows French higher education establishments to attract the best foreign students to graduate courses at master’s and doctoral level.

It helps to train future foreign decision-makers, from the private and public sectors, in priority fields of study, and to stimulate applications from students from emerging countries for the master’s level and from emerging and industrialized countries for the doctorate level.

For the University of Toulon, the file must be completed online

no later than Friday 3 December 2021

The International Relations Department (IRS) will give access rights to the online application file once the candidate has contacted the teacher responsible for the Master or the director of the laboratory.

The Eiffel scholarship program has two components:

  • A master’s component, which makes it possible to finance a diploma course of 12 months (Master 2), 24 months (Master 1) or 36 months (preparation for an engineering diploma)
  • A doctoral component, which makes it possible to finance 12-month mobility

The fields of study for the Master and Doctorate are:

Science and technology:

  • Biology and health
  • Ecological transition
  • Mathematics and Numerics
  • Engineering Sciences

Human and social sciences

  • French history, language and civilization

  • Law Political Science
  • Economy Management

Conditions of eligibility :

  • Primary academic excellence.
  • Coherence of the academic and professional project enhanced.
  • Reserved for applicants of foreign nationality. Binational candidates, one of whom is French, are not eligible.
  • Students already benefiting from a French government grant under another program at the time of application are not eligible.
  • The application of a student whose file was not accepted during a previous selection is not admissible.


Master section procedure

  • only students studying abroad can apply.
  • be 25 years of age at most during the campaign, that is to say born after March 1996 “

Doctorate Section Procedure

  • Students studying abroad have priority over those residing in France.

  • be no more than 30 years old during the campaign, i.e. born after March 1991

The candidate must complete the following steps:

1 / Contact:

2/ To download and read the vade-mecum carefully

3 / Complete the online application form, with the person in charge of the Master and the SRI. Once the above steps have been completed, the IRS will grant access rights to the candidate and to the teacher or laboratory director.

  • The candidate completes the section “Information about the candidate”.
  • The head of the Master or laboratory director completes the section “Presentation of the application”.
  • The IRS completes the section “General information about the establishment”. “

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