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Apple wants to integrate Face ID and 5G on its Macs


Posted: January 22, 2021Updated: January 22, 2021by Steve

The apple brand definitely wants to establish its dominance in the IT world. After having offered its revolutionary M1 chip in some of its Macbook, the apple brand would like to integrate the security system into its Macs Face ID and the new generation of networks 5G. According to Bloomberg, Apple has already developed the basics of this facial recognition, but the project is not yet complete.

Face ID deferred

Face ID should indeed have debuted on Macs this year with the new iMac. This model must completely change its design, as World is Small told you previously. But Bloomberg also reports that Apple has decided to postpone Face ID support to the second version of this iMac which could see the light of day in 2022. It is not known why such a postponement was decided.

In addition to facial recognition, Apple is also said to be working on supporting 5G on its Macbooks. Here again, the technology is not quite ready, and we will therefore have to wait to take advantage of it. Let’s not forget that connection sharing is already available with his mobile phone to overcome this small lack.

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