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Apple closes its stores for two weeks

The cornovirus continues to trigger unusual measures. This Saturday morning, Apple announced that the company will close its stores worldwide for the next 14 days. They want to help slow down the disease and protect employees and customers, said company boss Tim Cook on Saturday.

Because one of the lessons from the past few weeks is “that the most effective way to minimize the risk of transmission of the virus is to reduce the density and maximize the social distance,” says Cook. Around 460 in-house shops are affected by the decision, and the stores in Italy are already closed. However, customers can continue to shop online as usual. The more than 40 Apple stores in China, on the other hand, are all open again after some longer closings.

Cook also said Apple has donated $ 15 million worldwide to help alleviate the economic and social impact of the pandemic. But that’s not how it should have been, as the company boss continues: “We are also announcing that we will double our employee donations by a ratio of two to one to support COVID-19 efforts at local, national and international levels.”

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