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Apple began to reduce App Store commissions for small developers


Earlier, Apple announced the launch of “App Store Small Business Program“, promised to reduce the revenue from small developers in the App Store. According to AppleInsider According to reports, relevant measures have already begun. This is originally said to be a new plan that will only take effect on January 1, 2021. It is designed to allow small developers who make less than US$1 million in App Store and in-app purchases a year to receive a significant point reduction. 30% cut in half, to only 15%. This is a more attractive incentive for new and small developers to continue to rely on Apple’s ecological development.

Of course, Apple is not merciful for no reason.Earlier Epic Games Initiated an “uprising” through the “Fortnite” game, saying that it would challenge the arrogant monopoly of app store hegemony, and subsequently attracted more and more large-scale developersSupport, Including Facebook, Microsoft, etc. One of the final results is that Apple launched the “App Store Small Business Program” for preferential small developers.

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