Home » today » Entertainment » Antonio Banderas will star in a new musical on PICASSO

Antonio Banderas will star in a new musical on PICASSO

While the new version of GODSPELL is being prepared, produced by the El Soho Theater in Malaga, Antonio Bandera y Stefano Schwartz They are already immersed in another project for a new musical, according to the website of the North American playwright and theater director. Gordon Greenberg. is approx PICASSO THE MUSICALon the life of the Malaga painter and is also involved in the production of Trafalgar Entertainment, owner of a theater in London’s West End, as well as the composer and playwright Charity Svich.

The news spread, as was commented on our forum two weeks ago, following a photo on the Instagram account of Antonio Bandera where the actor and the director could be seen together, Schwartz, Greenberg and Svich in Malaga, also together with Andy Lord Jr, that we recently saw at NEXT TO NORMAL IMMERSIVE in Barcelona and who is part of the creative team.

There is no release date or location for the project yet.

This will be the second time Bandera brings Pablo Ruiz Picasso to life, ever since he stepped into his shoes on the National Geographic series GENIUS: PICASSO in 2017.

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