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“Anton Palzer: From Skiing to Cycling – Can Dreams Come True?”

Anton is sure that he has everything he needs to succeed in retraining and with his enthusiasm and athletic performance he manages to convince those around him and even get sponsors for himself.

The film shows a new training program, getting used to the new regime, success, failure and most importantly – the desire to succeed!

Palzer doesn’t deny that when he remembers his skiing successes, especially the last World Cup, when he remembers what it’s like to feel the snow under his skis, he tears up because he gave up a large part of his life to fulfill new dreams.

His goal is participation in the prestigious “La Vuelta a España” cycling race.

Watch it “Anton Palzer: Changing the usual ways” and find out if the dream was destined to come true! Can cycling provide an athlete with the same brilliant success as skiing?

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2023-05-14 14:12:20
#inspiration #Anton #Palzer #invites #follow #dreams #give #fulfill #dreams

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