Home » today » Health » Antivaccines send threatening letters to the principals of some schools in Las Palmas for vaccinating children

Antivaccines send threatening letters to the principals of some schools in Las Palmas for vaccinating children

During the coronavirus pandemic, some anti-vaccine groups have emerged. Some of these groups send threatening letters to directors of some schools in Las Palmas, Canary Islands.

The reason for the letters is that the children under 12 years they are receiving the Covid-19 vaccine in these schools. They are accused of committing a crime against Public Health.

Behind these threatening letters would be two organizations that doubt the safety of vaccines in children. They are also shown against the use of the mask inside the classrooms:” The mandatory imposition of masks in the classrooms”, can be read in the writing.

In addition, they say you are vulnerando the right to privacy of the students (“the violation of the right of privacy of the students”, they wrote in the letter).

Some teachers say that they are afraid: “I know from colleagues that the truth is that they are scared with these intimidations. Don’t just threaten us. it’s actually quite unpleasant.”

Last December, the administration of the coronavirus vaccine in children between 5 and 12 years old was approved. The latest report of the Ministry of Health indicates that 55.6 per cent of the doses administered have been inoculated, namely 1,829,428 doses.

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