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Another unusual rock captured on “Mars” … “This time quack duck” [여기는 화성]

NASA’s Curiosity rover, which takes incredible photos from Mars and sends them back to Earth, this time captured an unusual duck-shaped rock, the CNET computer media reported on 8 (local time).

Source = NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS / Andrea Fortuna

On the 22nd of last month, Curiosity filmed a rock that looked like a duck with its main camera, the tree camera. The photo became a hot topic when Twitter user Andrea Luck posted the photo on Twitter (@andrluck).

NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS / Andrea Fortuna

Many mysterious objects are observed on Mars. Round shell-shaped objects were also discovered and many objects resembling human faces or statues of women were found, stimulating people’s imaginations.

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Scientists say this could be some kind of optical illusion and that people find objects similar to various objects on the surface of Mars due to Pareidolia, a psychological phenomenon that evokes specific meaningful images in irregular stimuli.

Today, the Curiosity rover arrived in the sulfated region of Mount Sharp, a massive central peak within the Gale Crater, looking for signs of water flowing on Mars billions of years ago.

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