Home » today » News » Another national deputy has COVID-19 and there is concern that he participated in person at the ten-hour session on Thursday

Another national deputy has COVID-19 and there is concern that he participated in person at the ten-hour session on Thursday

At midnight today the national Congress activated the protocol for cases of contagion by coronavirus: the national deputy of the PRO, Julio Sahad, president of his party in the province, tested positive after undergoing a swab.

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The issue is that the legislator traveled to Buenos Aires last week and participated in person in the session that lasted for 9 hours and 45 minutes and began on Thursday afternoon and ended on Friday at 2 in the morning.

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Already in the early hours of today, the doctor of the Chamber of Deputies and some officials analyzed the images of the debate in which there were three half sanctions: the regulation of telework, a promotion regime for the knowledge economy and the national campaign to plasma donation. They seek to build the chain of contacts that the deputy had.

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After 00 today, a deputy from the Everyone’s Front wrote to Sergio Massa. “Apologies for the hour,” he said and gave him the news that the opposition leader confirmed this morning on his Twitter account. “I want to tell you that a few hours ago I was confirmed positive for COVID-19. I always took the necessary precautions to go and return and every time I entered my province I put myself at the disposal of the corresponding authorities, following the protocol, ”explained the man from La Rioja who was isolated after undergoing isolation on Saturday.

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Before Sahad there were already two other national deputies with the same diagnosis, although in none of those cases were they physically in Congress.

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