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Annie Blanchard sets sail for Nashville

It’s a new start for Annie Blanchard who is launching a 6th album in modern country colors, strongly influenced by the spirit of Nashville. Hurricane includes four unreleased songs and an acoustic replay of the hit Chicken Fried de Zac Brown Band.

When Annie Blanchard’s phone rings, it’s the air of Chicken Fried that we hear. L’Acadienne emphasizes that she loves this piece that she wanted to use on her new record. After singing mostly more classic, more folk country, the singer of Maisonnette wanted a road trip record that pushes up the volume. His micro album plunges into new country, pop, rock, a la Keith Urban, full of energy.

“When I hit the road, music is very important […]. I listened to so much music with my musicians on the road. It’s something that makes the road go faster when there is good music. If I work out, I put on some music. Music for me is energy. It’s really that feeling, that state of mind that I wanted to have when I was going to listen to my new album ”, expressed Annie Blanchard during a telephone interview from her residence on the south shore. from Montreal.

Sixth opus in career, second in English, Hurricane was born out of collaboration with songwriters from Nashville. The singer says that she dreamed for a long time to go to Nashville or at least to be inspired by it to make an album, failing to go there physically. With the help of her agent Vincent Beaulieu, she was able to establish links with people in the music industry who had contacts with music publishers in Nashville. The singer therefore had access to a bank of unpublished songs composed by songwriters from this city considered to be the cradle of country music.

“In these authors, in particular, there is one who writes for Keith Urban. This is Sarah Buxton. She had songs in that song bundle that I got and to see that I could get access to people who wrote for my idols, for me it was big. I remembered three songs. ”

To this collection is added a new composition by Annie Blanchard, Lost Things, written in collaboration with Vann DeLorey and Hubert Maheux who signs the production. This collaboration allowed the singer to reconnect with creation, after two covers of covers, Welcome Soleil and Those Were the Days.

“In the last year, we’ve lost so much business. I lost a year of touring, my grandmother in July, my little 18 year old dog. I have gone through a lot of grief in 2020 and it’s like I need to get out of this pain that I was feeling. I wanted to put it on paper. I think there are a lot of people who will find themselves in this text. ”

Get out of your comfort zone

For this first foray into new country, she decided to go with the micro album formula which is part of the current trend of digital broadcasting.

“Seeing that this is a new direction for me, I thought to myself that it could be a great avenue to start with a five song EP and see the reaction of people. I co-produce all my stuff and when we make albums in English with content that is not 100% Canadian, the grants are not there. I told myself that I was going to be careful in what I do and that I was going to go about it with the means that I have. “

The recording took place at Hubert Maheux’s studio in Montreal. His stage musicians collaborated on the production.

The interpreter likes to sing in both languages. Singing in English allows her to go elsewhere and explore her voice in a different way. According to the artist, this new opus reveals the extent of his musical background.

“There are two sides to my artistic personality, there is the girl who sings Évangéline who needs emotional songs and storytelling, but there is also the girl who wants to have fun on stage and just live the music and the melody. I think that’s what I’m going to bring to this album, but the fact remains that doing a project like I just did there is still going out of my comfort zone. I am francophone, I sing in English, it took me completely elsewhere. I did a lot of work on this album to make it sound good. ”

The disc will be released on June 4 on digital platforms. Annie Blanchard will undertake the tour Hurricane in 2022. Until then, it has shows planned, including an acoustic tour with the ROSEQ on the North Coast and in the Gaspé this summer.

June 2, 2021. Annie Blanchard is releasing a new album Hurricane this Friday. Courtesy.

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